sekarang sudah heboh dengan selsema babi atau nama sopannya swine flu...kami di wellington masih selamat,alhamdulillah..=)
mungkin dah tiba masanya babi seluruh dunia dipupuskan..semua orang tahu babi sejenis haiwan tidak bersih...dalam badannya ada kuman yang tak boleh mati..tapi saya tak tahu nama kuman itu..saya bukan saintis nak kaji.tapi saya tahulah kuman itu wujud..jadi kesimpulannya,babi tidak bersih..
mungkin babi yang berwarna pink itu nampak comel..teringat cerita babe..ingat cerita babe?cerita babi yang comel tinggal di barnyard bersama sekeluarga anjing..selebihnya saya tak ingat..pandai mat saleh ni bagi name kat babe ni..macam tahu2 aje kita panggil pig itu babi..babi.babe.babi.babe.kan dekat2 tu..
kita tak boleh nak salahkan babi jugak...dia tak minta dilahirkan pon jadi babi..dah tuhan nak dia jadi babi.kunfayakun..jadilah dia..tapi saya tak sokong babi..saya tak suka selsema babi..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
saya nak hujan emas di malaysia
saya tak tahu nak cerita ape...tiada yang menarik....kelas dah bermula...rutin hidup kembali normal...sekarang sibuk saya nak carik baju untuk winter yang berpenebat haba...saya tak tahan sejuk..kena cari yang tebal2...tadi dah jumpa..kat kathmandu...cantik...tapi k.i.v dululah...
dari semalam saya terfikir satu perkara ni...bila kita duduk kat negara orang...orang tak berapa nak faham bahasa kita...memang tak faham pon...tapi kita boleh faham bahasa diorang...
saya tersenyum sendirian...=)
1. Bila kita bersukan dengan mereka,main bola mesti ada body contact yang melampau.contohnya memijak kaki kita dengan ganas. ini tidak boleh jadi..dah lah mereka besar..nak marah.tapi mesti kita takut kan?tak apa..marah je..cakaplah,"sakitlah bongok!!!meh sini kaki kau aku pijak." pandang mereka sambil senyum semanis gula dan kemudian cakaplah,"it's alright.nevermind."kan boleh tu marah..
2.bila kita faham bahasa diorang,diorang x boleh nak ngumpat2 depan kita..kalau diorang buat jugak,counter je..kata pandai bahsa inggeris.tapi diorang kan tak faham bahsa kita..kita boleh cakap apa saja yang terbuku kat hati kau..gembira tak?bukan senang nak dapat peluang macam ni..bukan lah saya kata,sila mengumpat mereka.tidak..cuma.....saya rasa anda lebih mudah meluahkan apa yang terbuku di hati..tak perlu selindung2..tapi luahkan lah dalam bahasa anda sendiri yang tidak dapat mereka fahami..ok.merapu sudah.habis.
dari semalam saya terfikir satu perkara ni...bila kita duduk kat negara orang...orang tak berapa nak faham bahasa kita...memang tak faham pon...tapi kita boleh faham bahasa diorang...
saya tersenyum sendirian...=)
1. Bila kita bersukan dengan mereka,main bola mesti ada body contact yang melampau.contohnya memijak kaki kita dengan ganas. ini tidak boleh jadi..dah lah mereka besar..nak marah.tapi mesti kita takut kan?tak apa..marah je..cakaplah,"sakitlah bongok!!!meh sini kaki kau aku pijak." pandang mereka sambil senyum semanis gula dan kemudian cakaplah,"it's alright.nevermind."kan boleh tu marah..
2.bila kita faham bahasa diorang,diorang x boleh nak ngumpat2 depan kita..kalau diorang buat jugak,counter je..kata pandai bahsa inggeris.tapi diorang kan tak faham bahsa kita..kita boleh cakap apa saja yang terbuku kat hati kau..gembira tak?bukan senang nak dapat peluang macam ni..bukan lah saya kata,sila mengumpat mereka.tidak..cuma.....saya rasa anda lebih mudah meluahkan apa yang terbuku di hati..tak perlu selindung2..tapi luahkan lah dalam bahasa anda sendiri yang tidak dapat mereka fahami..ok.merapu sudah.habis.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy Birthday fifi!!!
21 years ago..a girl was born..this is what she looks like now..she's a fun 21 years old girl..and she's my cousin..Happy birthday dear!!!aku letak pix ko yang comel ni..suka tak.suka tak?hee~~wish you all the best thing dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya...i love you lah~bile nak datang buat bungee jumping...=)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
hidop itu matematik
sejuk + confuse = malas
sejuk + malas =ngantuk
ngantuk + lapar + sejuk = tak nak buat assimentttt!!
sejuk + malas =ngantuk
ngantuk + lapar + sejuk = tak nak buat assimentttt!!
abg subway baik...
biasa lah bila sejuk perut memg cepat lapar..baru kjap tadi makan spagety che nad buat..tapi terasa nak turun star mart pulak beli topup..siap-siap dan turun..starmart kat bawah aje.x perlu pakai bedak tepek 2-3 inci,eyeliner dan mascara serta lip gloss yang baru dibeli semalam..sejuk malam ni..terkedek2 berjalan ke starmart dengan lajunya..
masuk starmart buat satu pusingan dulu dalam starmart.rutin.kot2 lah ada bnda boleh beli buat makan.takde.
subway bukak lagi!
abg subway senyum.vikram namanya.sempat lagi tu aku baca name tag die...nak roasted garlic-6 inch.nak seafood..saya senyum.dia senyum..sedap tgk seafood punye inti yang banyak crab tu..nyum2...banyaknye die letak..bagus2...
sambil2 die letak saya baca menu.isi masa lapang.kalu sekali ngan drinks,$6.00..owh..murah gak...2 subway,2 drinks pon murah,tapi x ingat bape..
fresh or toasted?semestinye toasted..seperti biasa,no salad, i want only tomatoes,olives and pickles..wah2...and honey mustard plz...sedap2...
saya hulurkan $10...die pulang baki $5.10..jadi betullah harga $4.90..tapi knape die bg saya cup?tadi saya dah cakap xmaw drinks..saya buke mulut nak cakap..saya baru cakap,"but..,"sambil agkat cup..die senyum je.saya pon,ok.thanx.senyum.pilih air.tropicana orange.sedapp...dan pulang...
pasni boleh lah pegi tym abg subway yang itu jaga lagi.isi subway pon banyak.dapat free drinks lagi!baiklah kamu...terima kasih..=)
masuk starmart buat satu pusingan dulu dalam starmart.rutin.kot2 lah ada bnda boleh beli buat makan.takde.
subway bukak lagi!
abg subway senyum.vikram namanya.sempat lagi tu aku baca name tag die...nak roasted garlic-6 inch.nak seafood..saya senyum.dia senyum..sedap tgk seafood punye inti yang banyak crab tu..nyum2...banyaknye die letak..bagus2...
sambil2 die letak saya baca menu.isi masa lapang.kalu sekali ngan drinks,$6.00..owh..murah gak...2 subway,2 drinks pon murah,tapi x ingat bape..
fresh or toasted?semestinye toasted..seperti biasa,no salad, i want only tomatoes,olives and pickles..wah2...and honey mustard plz...sedap2...
saya hulurkan $10...die pulang baki $5.10..jadi betullah harga $4.90..tapi knape die bg saya cup?tadi saya dah cakap xmaw drinks..saya buke mulut nak cakap..saya baru cakap,"but..,"sambil agkat cup..die senyum je.saya pon,ok.thanx.senyum.pilih air.tropicana orange.sedapp...dan pulang...
pasni boleh lah pegi tym abg subway yang itu jaga lagi.isi subway pon banyak.dapat free drinks lagi!baiklah kamu...terima kasih..=)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
sharing is caring
someone sent me this..and i want to share.remember,sharing is caring!!
1. Hot dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than
12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk
of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer...
3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated
oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your
risk of cancer...
4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They
also contain cancer- causing acrylamides which occur during the frying process. They should be called
cancer fries, not French fries..
5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fatty acids
generally contain small amounts of trans-fatty acids...
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.This leads to an
insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and
may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of
oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease
concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well
as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause..
2. Not urinating in the morning..
3. Too much eating..
4. Skipping breakfast..
5. Consuming too much medication..
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener..
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying,
which includes even the best oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired,
except if the body is very fit..
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.. Veggies should be eaten raw
or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store..
We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a
good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition
are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according
to 'schedule.'
Sunday, April 19, 2009
don't you? i do...
have you ever feeling annoyed with someone?
and you tried so hard not to getting involved with his or her psychotic life?
do you feel sick when he or she demanded for your opinion and in the end refused to take your word into consideration?
have you ever met someone who loves to tell her life secret to anyone?
telling her problems and affairs to anyone and anywhere and anytime?
do you hate it when this kind of people take your precious time?
do you love it when you have to fake your smile and laugh when you yourself have to listen to all her craps problem that you just know it all are lies?
do you hate people who dont really know how to say 'please'?
dont you just hate this kind of people....sigh...
and you tried so hard not to getting involved with his or her psychotic life?
do you feel sick when he or she demanded for your opinion and in the end refused to take your word into consideration?
have you ever met someone who loves to tell her life secret to anyone?
telling her problems and affairs to anyone and anywhere and anytime?
do you hate it when this kind of people take your precious time?
do you love it when you have to fake your smile and laugh when you yourself have to listen to all her craps problem that you just know it all are lies?
do you hate people who dont really know how to say 'please'?
dont you just hate this kind of people....sigh...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
what did i do today??
after realizing that my day had not been so good,i decided to make a list of things that i've done today..just so i know whether there is any good thing come out of it or maybe not..=)
i top up my internet..
it may be a good thing because i just thought i may be need my internet by the weekend to start off my assignment..and i want to skype with my family..=)
CONCLUSION: a good start
i skyped with my family..
missin' them a lot!!really need to skype..
CONCLUSION: i miss my,why not?
i cleaned my room..
after coming back from rotorua past few days, finally got the parcel from Malaysia,and a lot of laundry thingy to be done..i really need to clean the mess up..there's no doubt that this activity brings good to me..LOL.
CONCLUSION: everyone needs a clean environment
i watched Slumdog Millionaire..
finally!finally!the best movie for the time being..the slumdog really puzzled and amazed go boy!
CONCLUSION: i should've watch it later..coz now i will never read the book because i already know the story..sigh~~no good
discussion with my housemates regarding our linguistic assignment..
everyone knows this is good..=)
CONCLUSION: the best thing to do today
i wrote this entry..
i dont know why i did this but i'm happy doing it..=D
CONCLUSION: as long as i will be happy =)
i top up my internet..
it may be a good thing because i just thought i may be need my internet by the weekend to start off my assignment..and i want to skype with my family..=)
CONCLUSION: a good start
i skyped with my family..
missin' them a lot!!really need to skype..
CONCLUSION: i miss my,why not?
i cleaned my room..
after coming back from rotorua past few days, finally got the parcel from Malaysia,and a lot of laundry thingy to be done..i really need to clean the mess up..there's no doubt that this activity brings good to me..LOL.
CONCLUSION: everyone needs a clean environment
i watched Slumdog Millionaire..
finally!finally!the best movie for the time being..the slumdog really puzzled and amazed go boy!
CONCLUSION: i should've watch it later..coz now i will never read the book because i already know the story..sigh~~no good
discussion with my housemates regarding our linguistic assignment..
everyone knows this is good..=)
CONCLUSION: the best thing to do today
i wrote this entry..
i dont know why i did this but i'm happy doing it..=D
CONCLUSION: as long as i will be happy =)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
rotorua :: swoop
benda ni paling menakutkan kat agrodome...bagi saya lah...SWOOP!!!
you probably cant see me...
but you can hear my voice...
and oops!i'm in the middle..
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
bila tiba hari raya....
easter holiday!!!!!yeay!!!!
seperti saya menyambut easter....
pukul 4 tadi tamat lah kelas saya untuk minggu ini dan 2 minggu akan datang...
gi rotorua~yeay!gi rotorua~yeay!
boleylah lupekan semua masalah yang ada sekejap 2 minggu ni dengan bersuka ria...
tapi ingat....bukak2 je klas nanti ade 2 assignments nak kena submit....wuish~
gi rotorua~yeay!gi rotorua~yeay!!!!
tadi gi beli barang2....easter kan nak dekat..maka ramailah orang di new world(setaraf tecso,giant dan carrefour)....
kanak2 berlari2 rebut marsmallow chocolate...mak bapak sibok shoping benda nak masak....
teringat hari raya~~~
makin sejuk pulak weather sekarang ni....
bila kuar umah je idung berair....sampai kepala lak tu....
baju dah 3-4 lapis dah untuk orang yang kurang tahan sejuk seprti saya ini....
cuti dah bermula...saya mahu bersuka-ria.....=p
seperti saya menyambut easter....
pukul 4 tadi tamat lah kelas saya untuk minggu ini dan 2 minggu akan datang...
gi rotorua~yeay!gi rotorua~yeay!
boleylah lupekan semua masalah yang ada sekejap 2 minggu ni dengan bersuka ria...
tapi ingat....bukak2 je klas nanti ade 2 assignments nak kena submit....wuish~
gi rotorua~yeay!gi rotorua~yeay!!!!
tadi gi beli barang2....easter kan nak dekat..maka ramailah orang di new world(setaraf tecso,giant dan carrefour)....
kanak2 berlari2 rebut marsmallow chocolate...mak bapak sibok shoping benda nak masak....
teringat hari raya~~~
makin sejuk pulak weather sekarang ni....
bila kuar umah je idung berair....sampai kepala lak tu....
baju dah 3-4 lapis dah untuk orang yang kurang tahan sejuk seprti saya ini....
cuti dah bermula...saya mahu bersuka-ria.....=p
Saturday, April 4, 2009
daylight saving
saya sangat gembira kerana masa saya bertambah satu jam...thanx to daylight saving...saya ada satu jam extra nak buat assignment..sekarang wellington ngan malaysia cepat 4 jam je ea..bukan 5 jam dah...fatin.jangan bazirkan satu jam itu.cepat buat assignment..
Friday, April 3, 2009
jangan berjudi.
superbuzz the calling card yang tak superb pon...hari ni saya terasa nak call orang di kala ketensionan buat assignment yang tak siap2...saya pon turun dari tingkat 9 ke groundfloor dan setelah penat lelah mengharungi angin wellington sampai ke starmart..."nak isian semula superbuzz 20 dollar" (dalam bahasa inggeris)..i'm sorry girl..the machine cant be used at the moment..come back later?later??????????wt*....penat saya jalan...
takpe...kat hujung jalan lagi satu ada dominion post...angin semakin kuat...CLOSED.closed??????????sumpah seranah...
xpe...kat bawah lambton square ade lotto...yee lotto itu judi...tapi saya bukan nak bli judi...
saya nak beli superbuzz....zzz....
'nak isian semula superbuzz 20 dollar'
saya dengan gembira berjalan pulang...mula menggores..bukan lotto...superbuzz...
dial dan dial...
'you have zero minutes'!!!!
saya baru saja topup 20 dollar....saya pandang depan saya dah ada depan stafford house..nak xnak pusing balik gi kdai lotto......mesti x berkat ni beli topup kat kedai judi.....nak uat cane...kedai x de...
sambil sumpah seranah lagi pusing balik gi kedai judi...saya ingat die tipu...die suh saya kol service kol...apekah?saya pon kol...'pls kol back after 2 hours'-sumpah-sumpah dan seranah-seranah~~~~
saya pon berjalan dalam angin dan mahu menjerit...masuk rumah dan baling card bawah katil...2 jam kemudian saya ambil balik...

inilah die card superbuzz yang disumpah2...berlatr belakangkan blog di laptopku (promosi)...saya dah cube kol,masih tak boley...sumpah-seranah-sumpah-seranah...
ya ampun...fatin.kau patut buat assignment sekarang ni...
takpe...kat hujung jalan lagi satu ada dominion post...angin semakin kuat...CLOSED.closed??????????sumpah seranah...
xpe...kat bawah lambton square ade lotto...yee lotto itu judi...tapi saya bukan nak bli judi...
saya nak beli superbuzz....zzz....
'nak isian semula superbuzz 20 dollar'
saya dengan gembira berjalan pulang...mula menggores..bukan lotto...superbuzz...
dial dan dial...
'you have zero minutes'!!!!
saya baru saja topup 20 dollar....saya pandang depan saya dah ada depan stafford house..nak xnak pusing balik gi kdai lotto......mesti x berkat ni beli topup kat kedai judi.....nak uat cane...kedai x de...
sambil sumpah seranah lagi pusing balik gi kedai judi...saya ingat die tipu...die suh saya kol service kol...apekah?saya pon kol...'pls kol back after 2 hours'-sumpah-sumpah dan seranah-seranah~~~~
saya pon berjalan dalam angin dan mahu menjerit...masuk rumah dan baling card bawah katil...2 jam kemudian saya ambil balik...
inilah die card superbuzz yang disumpah2...berlatr belakangkan blog di laptopku (promosi)...saya dah cube kol,masih tak boley...sumpah-seranah-sumpah-seranah...
ya ampun...fatin.kau patut buat assignment sekarang ni...
you are my destiny
omg...i really want to watch this movie...slumdog millionaire....i should have bought this novel...but i ended up buying "the boy in the striped pyjamas"..gosh!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
10 things i hate about you?
i had my ling test today...and i had a busy night last today i rewarded myself with a relax evening along with a movie...thanx to kirol for the movies collection..
i just finished watching 10 things i hate about you...i dont remember when is the last time i watched it..pretty much when i was a little girl...who still has no romantic genes created yet...who cant cry when watching the broken-hearted heroine cries telling the man she loves him...
but now i do...i understand better...i can cry...i cried watching this movie in fact...
now that i realise it is a very super nice movie....
a literature teacher who raps..
cool music bands...
two loving sister....
super hot heath ledger....
dumb underwear model...
shakespeare fanatic lovers...
rich geek...
i just love it!
but do you know what i like most in the movie?
i like this!
sweeeeeettt...isnt it?
i just finished watching 10 things i hate about you...i dont remember when is the last time i watched it..pretty much when i was a little girl...who still has no romantic genes created yet...who cant cry when watching the broken-hearted heroine cries telling the man she loves him...
but now i do...i understand better...i can cry...i cried watching this movie in fact...
now that i realise it is a very super nice movie....
a literature teacher who raps..
cool music bands...
two loving sister....
super hot heath ledger....
dumb underwear model...
shakespeare fanatic lovers...
rich geek...
i just love it!
but do you know what i like most in the movie?
i like this!
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all...
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all...
sweeeeeettt...isnt it?
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